What is the Difference Between an Air Purifier and an Air Ionizer?

Learn about what sets apart an air purifier from an air ionizer: how they work, their advantages and disadvantages.

What is the Difference Between an Air Purifier and an Air Ionizer?

Air purifiers and ionizers are two devices used to clean the air in a home or office. While they both have the same goal of improving air quality, they work in different ways. Air purifiers use physical filtration to capture particles from the air, while ionizers emit electrically charged particles to remove contaminants from the air. The main difference between air purifiers and ionizers is the way each device removes contaminants from the air.

In the case of air purifiers, HEPA filters trap particles inside the filter, so it needs to be changed periodically. Ionizers don't have filters because they emit electrically charged particles to remove contaminants from the air. It's important to understand that this doesn't completely remove those particles from the environment. An ionizer is an air purifier that disinfects the air by emitting negative ions, while an air filter filters the air. Simply put, ionizers help remove particles that make us sick, such as viruses and bacteria, and air purifiers help remove particles that make us sneeze, such as dust and pollen.

For an ionizer to be effective, frequent dusting or vacuuming is necessary, as pets and people walking around the room can expel particles into the air. If you have asthma, allergies, or other respiratory conditions, a HEPA air purifier is more likely to ease your symptoms because it prevents particles from reentering the air you breathe. Air Oasis has a new generation of air purifying products that not only clean the air but also disinfect surfaces. Some studies suggest that people with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) might benefit from using an ionizer in their home. According to Dr. Felix Gad Sulman, the reported physiological effects of negative ions have had notable benefits for those who used an air ionizer.

Air purifiers physically remove particles from the space, so you don't have to worry about vacuuming or dusting, as there are no particles left on the floor that could fall back into the air. The high-efficiency HEPA filters used in air purifiers are more limited than ionizers because they cannot remove the smallest particles, but they still remove 99.97% of dust, allergens and microorganisms in the air that contribute to respiratory problems. Asthmatics have also noticed a difference in the quality of air they breathe after using an ionizer. We offer the best ionization technology on the market that eliminates microbes, including most bacteria, protozoa, fungi and molds, commonly found in residential and commercial establishments. Ionizers also purify a larger area than HEPA air purifiers and can remove smaller particles from the air.

Instead of filtering these particles from the atmosphere, an ionizer makes them too heavy to keep them suspended in the air. Knowing the difference between an ionizer and an air purifier can help you find the right solution for your family. Air purifiers are better for those with allergies or asthma because they physically remove particles from circulation by trapping them inside a filter. Ionizers are better for those with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) because they emit negative ions which can help improve moods. In conclusion, both devices have their own advantages and disadvantages depending on your needs. Air purifiers are great for removing allergens and other airborne pollutants from your home or office while ionizers are great for eliminating bacteria and viruses from your environment.

It's important to understand how each device works so you can make an informed decision when choosing one for your home.

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